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Old Ellerbe School - Real Shreveport Haunted Place

  • Ellerbe Rd.
  • Shreveport, LA
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Real Haunted Colleges
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This old school on Ellerbe Road is quite creepy and believed to be haunted by the former students who died in a fire there.
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  • Hate to bust your bubble...

    Sorry, folks. I grew up out there. The worst thing that ever happened at that school (George W. Carver Elementary) was kids getting stuck with damaged textbooks discarded by the white schools in the parish. Quite a few trespassers have decorated the place with everything from pentagrams to pig skulls, but nobody ever died there...amazing, since Louisiana is home to several types of venomous snakes that are hard to see even in daylight, much less at night. The number of visitors that spot used to get bore embarrassing witness to how little there was to do in Shreveport for many years.

    Posted 6/5/23

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  • Most definitely paranormal

    Me & my friend went out there on Halloween night 2021 we went with intentions to go back where the school is and walk through but got maybe a few ft from my car and decided mace & our flashlights were not gonna protects us & ran back to my car where we sat and turned on our ghost app (ghost tube) and listened to what they say on the app is ghost talking well that app isn't bs and out there is very much paranormal activity bc out of nowhere the app says my name Ashley 3xs not a coincidence that's when we decided to carry our butts and leave what we know nothing about alone lol...

    Posted 10/15/22

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Real Haunt Listing Info

Visitors to this page: 2,903
Last edit to this listing: 5/12/2017 (2840 days ago)

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